Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Acire - Browse Python code snippets quickly and easily

 Acire is a simple little tool that provides a library of Python examples called snippets that outline how to do specific taks. With each snippet you can browse the code, run it and otherwise learn how it works in order to help you get to grips with writing your own programs as quickly and easily as possible.
Install acire in ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)

Run the following commands from terminal first you need to add PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:acire-team/acire-releases
Update the source list
sudo apt-get update
Install acire
sudo apt-get install acire

Subscribe to Python Snippets library updates
For Acire to be in any way useful you will need to grab the Python Snippets library. Subscribe to the PPA and get a fresh batch of Python Snippets daily! Subscribe by just running these commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:python-snippets-drivers/python-snippets-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-snippets

Sourcode : ubuntugeek


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